April 24, 2007

Bush Gets Purple Heart
The War Presidunce has finally got himself one of those Purple Hearts just like that lyin' John Kerry, except the Chimptard actually earned his.

Bill and Georgia Thomas reported they were elated Monday when they met in the Oval Office with President George W. Bush to present him with a Purple Heart.
The couple was able to meet with President Bush for about 20 minutes to present him with one of three Purple Hearts that Bill Thomas received during his service in Vietnam.
"We feel like emotional wounds and scars are as hard to carry as physical wounds," Thomas said.
Not to mention mental retardation and erectile dysfunction.... An anonymous White Horse Souse said there was no truth to the rumor that both Thomas's suffered rug burns on their knees during the meeting with Chimperor Fucktardius although they were given a complimentary sample of Sean Hannity super-fast healing lip balm.

Ah hurt mah nuts!

Undeniable Liberal


shartheheretic said...

Isn't that sort of like using shoe polish to shine a turd? I'm just sayin'....

Anonymous said...

I feel sick. Someone actually believes that asshat deserves a Purple Heart? Give me a freakin' break.