September 28, 2008


Anyone watching CNN right now? Did McInsane say he 'suspended his campaign' (ahem) and went to DC Thursday for the economic hearings because he "didn't want to phone it in"???

Isn't that what he's doing now??

1 comment:

Rhode Island Rules said...

Yeah, they can't even get their talking points together anymore. They think you don't watch more than one channel anyway.

George S got McShame to admit that his health care tax credits wouldn't cover the cost of health care. and scroll down for more hilarity as Congresswomen Bauchmann gave a speech on the house floor blaming "blacks" and "other minorities" and the Clinton Administration for the economic meltdown.

And after railing about earmarks, little Lindsay Graham had to admit he was "part of the problem but NOW he wants to be part of the solution"

Isn't it funny what happens when you get challenged by the media?