March 6, 2009

Rush says thanks, now get me a tissue

powerload.cum's Hindrocket et. al., after gratefully taking one up the pooper for their dear leader, are rewarded with a few crumbs from the great man's flabby, crumb-flecked lips.

"Rush Limbaugh has posted a transcript of his remarks on-air today acknowledging the conservative voices who have spoken up in his defense. It is a group in whose good company we are proud to be counted."

A company of craven, carpet-crawling dittomonkeys with shit for brains! Woohoo!


Grandpa Eddie said...

Once again, crawling over each other to suck the shit outta Limpball's ass.

Distributorcap said...

you would think with all the disgusting oxycotin filled sweat pouring out of his poison filled lymph glands he would lose a few pounds.