May 14, 2009

RINO to be shoehorned out by own party


Fox Noise, rightwingnut hate radio and conservatard PACs team up to trash popular moderate republican Charlie Crist in hopes that Florida's senate seat is eventually filled by a Democrat. At this point, there simply is no other believable explanation.
(thanks to


Grandpa Eddie said...

They're all pissed off 'cause he fell in love with the stimulus package. I think they're also afraid he'll do a Specter on them....which shouldn't matter since Specter is still voting Rethuglican.

shartheheretic said...

Charlie's never been popular with the neo-cons. He's barely a RINO, what with his past support of environmental issues, being pro-consumer, etc.

The only reason I've been able to determine that he stays a "R"? So he can get elected and screw with them.