June 22, 2009

And they have the nerve to wear flag pins!

Latest conservatard talking points on Iran: Why do Demoncraps hate democracy?

Planet Earth: Iranian regime defends itself by referring to Bush v. Gore.

** snort ** This would be hysterically pwny if it weren't so pathetic.

Why do demorats hate Ameri Iran?

1 comment:

ThePoliticalCat said...

Jeebus, it makes me SO FUCKING GLAD Obama's in charge, not that querulous, jowly warmonger McCain or Sarah "Nuke the gay whales for Jesus!" Palin. Or any of the other huge pitfull of pathetic slobbering drooling Rethugs. Ol' John has gone from singin' "Bomb, bomb, bomb" to thinkin' "Bomb Iran" 24/7. A camel should only shit on his $500 shoes.

tpc, "Gimme a fi'dollar bill, and a Florsheim shoe ..."