November 2, 2009

Joe Lieberman a worldclass douchebag

The Top 10 Conservative Idiots -- Joe Lie-berman is a douche edition.

How has Joe repaid his colleagues for not kicking his traitorous ass out of the caucus and not stripping him of his Homeland Security Committee chairmanship? How is he working to "unite to confront our very serious problems?"

Well, aside from last week threatening to support the Republican minority's filibuster and prevent health care reform from getting an up-or-down vote in the Senate, he also announced that "I probably will support some Republican candidates for Congress or Senate in the election in 2010."
-- more here!

Pic by my buddy Monkeyfister!


Capt. Bat Guano said...

Uber Douche.

karen marie said...

Come on, peeps! I want to see more people join the Facebook group "Joe Lieberman Is A Douchebag."

I would have expected it to grow faster than it has in the last 24 hours.

Anonymous said...

i joined! couldn't keep me FROM it, i joined immediatemente!!!!! upon hearing of it and would join again if i could!

big em said...

Much as I hate to say it, it seems like the Dems ARE the party that's most representative of the US public -- and not in a good way! Just like the cliché 'fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me', the US public elected Nixon, Reagan, & W TWICE, now similarly the 'New Dems' give guys like Lieberman a 2nd chance after he virtually swears allegiance to their opponents! WTF is the reason for accomodating THAT kind of behavior? Would any sports team countenance a player who openly said "I'm going to help our opponent in this Sunday's game because I don't like our team's game plan!" ?? What does he have to do to get kicked out of the Democratic Party, literally take a shot at Obama?? Or would they just give him 'a stern talking to... a real trip to the woodshed' and then let him off? And the lame excuse about theoretically having 60 votes in the Senate to prevent a filibuster -- what good do 60 Dems do when 10 or 15 are DINO's who won't vote with the rest of the Dems anyway?

Geez, WTF ever happened to the Dems? They keep this shit up and they're not going to keep the POTUS in '12...

thesmoots said...

There's no doubt that Liarman is a uber douche but jerks like him are the down side of being the party of logic. The rethug's have always been very, very tunnel visioned and limited in ideas. Now they're absolutely maniacal but they've always been to hateful to have a broad viewpoint. Being free thinkers dem's can't limit themselves to one thought, one shot, one idea.