August 23, 2010


Steve Benen:

George W. Bush presided over two recessions, two wars, 9/11, and Hurricane Katrina -- but he still managed to take more time off than any president in modern history. While Bush was in the White House, he tended not to work too hard -- he was known for scheduling plenty of time for exercise during the day, and liked to knock off early -- but Bush also spent time away from the White House with a frequency unseen in generations, taking more and longer breaks than any of his 20th-century predecessors.
Before 2000, the president with the most vacation time in the modern era was Reagan. Bush not only beat Reagan's record, he did so with 17 months to spare. Spanning his two terms, Bush spent 487 days at Camp David, and 490 days at a ranch in Crawford. That's a total of 977 days -- about a third of his overall presidency.
And Republicans are going after Obama's down time? Seriously?
No doubt this will be a two-pronged attack: First they will criticize Obama for taking a vacation, and then they will criticize him for taking it in Massachusetts, which isn't even part of the "real" America.
For Allah's sake, Obama can't take his morning constitutional without GOP criticism.. "Obama's bowel movements have too much fiber! Or not enough.
Whatfucking ever, asstards. IOKIYAR!!!

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