September 10, 2008

Socialism is SO Unamerican....

Except when it benefits The Rethuglican base:

So now Comrades Bush, Paulson and Bernanke (as originally nicknamed by Willem Buiter) have now turned the USA into the USSRA (the United Socialist State Republic of America). Socialism is indeed alive and well in America; but this is socialism for the rich, the well connected and Wall Street. A socialism where profits are privatized and losses are socialized with the US tax-payer being charged the bill of $300 billion.
This biggest bailout and nationalization in human history comes from the most fanatically and ideologically zealot free-market laissez-faire administration in US history. These are the folks who for years spewed the rhetoric of free markets and cutting down government intervention in economic affairs. But they were so fanatically ideological about free markets that they did not realize that financial and other markets without proper rules, supervision and regulation are like a jungle where greed — untempered by fear of loss or of punishment — leads to credit bubbles and asset bubbles and manias and eventual bust and panics.
Perhaps maybe, just maybe it just might sink into the thick crusted cranial cavities some of the so called brightest and best "economists", whose hollow shells of grey matter are actually filled with nothing but wild neocon rethuglicunt trickle down bullshit ideology, that socialism indeed works in some segments of a civilized economy(not just for the rich), provided it is balanced with common sense incentives for everyone to have the opportunity to exercise initiative and entrepreneurship in a capitalist economy that has a soul.....for EVERYONE.
Including the many of us weren't born into privelege, or the conservative Borg collective.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, this bailout is looking like the LAST huge bailout of 'free-marketeers' in our lifetime -- the S&L debacle under Saint Ronnie Raygun. But -- because everybody KNOWS that the Repukes are fiscally wise, and that deregulation is next to godliness -- it MUST have been the Demon-crats fault with their coddling of illegal aliens and letting women have abortions and letting criminals run free.

Anonymous said...

That paragraph from the link was kind. The last paragraph is a KILLER!!! Jebus! Read it.

Anonymous said...

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