December 11, 2008

Thursday awwwwwwws

Kitten eating broccoli. With bonus nom nom nom sounds.


Anonymous said...

Long-time Lurker, first-time commenting:

Love your blog and your cussin'

Do You know about this blog


Anonymous said...

Hey, Kath, welcome to our gang of Maru fans, but fuck your "fuckyoupenguin" you brought in here. All roads lead to Maru. Maru does not "cuss," so your comparison to the penguin site, from this reader's perspective, is highly insulting and tells that your exposure to great satiric wit is meager, indeed.

To compare Maru's inventive 12 cylinder Duesenberg wordplay to the common Ford Fiesta rank and file dumb-ass cuss words cussed for the sake of cussing illustrated by the fuckyoupenguin adolescent boy tone, makes me feel if you drink wine it's in a box and you've never savored a sip of the fine vintage.
Maru's Duezzie motors the mind into rarely untraveled linguistic vistas for unique perspectives, whereas the fuckyoupenguin putters down the common alley farting exhaust banging the dumpsters along the way, and hocking loogies. Dear Jeebus, you're terribly off the mark , Kathy dear.

Maru's commentary delivered in her unique blue-language stylistics carries highly sophisticated political perspectives. Her "cussing" as you inappropriately label her colorful language inventions, ignorantly insults her skill and dismisses the great social/political commentary burden her blog delivers superbly. Her unique spicy word usage twists the content into a perspective that delivers huge insight and relief to those readers who share the similar angst of being rippingly pissed off at the Republicans for what they've done to our country, but have no vent for our righteous indignation and outright homicidal rage. (Darth "SO?"Dick, are you listening?)..No vent, that is, until we found Maru, who can twist their fucking heads off with her quite appropriate language skills that reach far beyond the common and utterly inadequate words normally used to discuss politics.

Her high-fire thunderbolt style tosses into her satiric brews and stews the seasonings of unknown spices unique only to Maru's Mind/Spirit's kitchen--her marvelous "cussing." The mere word "Cussing" so doesn't cut it when describing Maru. We need to invent a new word that contains notions of the Maru-faceted Jewel of snarkiliciousness set in the throbblingly luminious (to the mind's inner eye) filigreed words carrying meaning beyond first level appearance, into deeper reverberations of meaning that trigger the release of killing bad guys and celebrating the release from the Prison of War we've all been spiritually captured in since the mutherfuks stole the 2000 election.

Praise Maru for bailing us out with the laughter that catapults us out of our seats and up and over the fucking wall of hell we've all been behind thanks to Darth and Company.

Anyway, kathy, hope you learn to enjoy Maru as we all do, but you gotta upgrade your mental hardware, dear. Read War and Peace and Joseph Campbell's Hero with a Thousand Faces. Maru is saving souls here. Your dumbass fuckyouupenguin site is just whackin adolescent weenie. Read the great novels. Perhaps make it your new year's goal to read the 18th Century satirists Laurence Stern, Henry Fielding, and Twain, Kingsley Amis' Enderby--oh, i could list 100 fun grand reads that would engage your spirit/mind to open the lens of your mind's eye to give you the perspective that knows Maru is incalculably superior as a writer, with a far greater mind and sensibility than the fucking coarse shit your "fuckyoupenguin" comparison represents. *peh*

Maru does not “cuss,” any more than Marcel Proust merely “took a bite out of cake” in Remembrance of Things Past. Those four pages spent describing the very moment he took his first bite at tea of the frosting-covered confection known as the Petite Madelaine, were four pages used to pour hundreds of words through the sieve of the ultra sensitive and aware mind of a young man to distill the NECTAR of all meaning of that great moment in Marcel's life into a linguistic ballet that carved into the deeper intimate levels of our mind a bejeweled glowing unforgettable reverberating sensation of that moment of biting into a Petite Madelain. .

Maru does that in a distilled fashion of truncated large cargos of meaning into the small space of bloggery using cuss words that have been utterly reconstituted by Maru's very creative mind. The "blue" words have been recombined, stretched, added to, twisted, twirled, slapped, bounced, laid out, smoothed down and sculpted into unique throbbing vehicles for communicating with her very unique skill, a political perspective that carries as it's cargo the rage all critically thinking people of this nation harbor over what's happened to our country in the hands of the monstrous Republicans--a rage that we well-read Liberal types don't have the steel-toed boots, proper guns and ammo to go hunt "BARR" and kick the serious ass that needs kicking--BUT, Maru vicariously provides this for us with her brilliant linguistic genius that carries inside those sculpted "cuss" words the power to vent mammoth rage for us all--venting it with satiric laughter--AWESOME STUFF.

Maru’s “cussing” is not mere cussing, it’s like a live piece of strange verbal gold she has fashioned like a master jeweler, creating a gorgeous filigreed unique bit of brilliance that delights mind, body, and soul, and very often manifests the MASTERFUL GESTALT of simultaneously kicking ass on our enemies while infusing us with the Mind/Soul healing Nectar of laughter. At the very least, Maru’s unique wit makes us feel vicarious comfort feeling that big bad Maru has just seriously kicked the ass of the evil motherfuckers of this country who have violated all of our higher Human sensibilities, and we feel proud of her, and happy to have found her site. If you notice, she
does her magic on common words, not only "cuss" words, being Joycean, (masterful wordsmith), she invents words. She invents lots of words. Not just very colorful "cuss" words.

So take you stupid "fuckyouupenguin" suggestion and just move along. Nothing for you to see here. Jeebus. Y-O-Y do they keep kutting teh fundz 4 edjumahkashun??!!!1!

maru said...


Thanks, you guys!