you gotta love when you have a petty, first term, tea partyer num nuts imbecile rethug congressman getting bitch slapped down by a 4 star general, and relish that sound of bug guts goin' crack, squish, splatter on the wall.......................
See the fireworks here.
We have GOT to weed out the tea party transplants from our congress. They are embarrassing in their ignorance and need to be sent back to the grainery or feed and seed, or village bowling alley or where ever the fuck in the back waters from whence they came. We need real people in Congress, folks. And these are NOT they.
April 29, 2013
Ingorance? Meet the best of the best in the United States Army, and shut up as you do it!
Posted by
4/29/2013 10:30:00 PM
April 25, 2013
And yet 5 (COUNT THEM, FIVE) of our ex presidents, our Past "Leaders" STOOD WITH THE WAR CRIMINAL!!!
and made me cringe in deep sorrow and blind rage. THIS today, this event, the statement made by these men standing next to the worst president ever, broke my heart and drove home for me for perhaps the last time that this is NOT what the framers had in mind for our country. I'm deeply seriously apologetic to the rest of the world for allowing this travesty of justice and all that is right and true in this world, this place. As they honored him at the hugest oxymoron ever, The Bush Library, active warrants are drawn up in other countries for the crimes against humanity that are and will forever be his hallmark.
From the good people at Think Progress:
13 Reasons To Be Glad George W. Bush Is No Longer President
- Authorized the use of torture
- Politicized climate science
- Ignored Afghanistan to launch a war in Iraq
- Botched the response to Hurricane Katrina
- Defunded stem cell research
- Required Muslim men to register with the government
- Reinstated the global gag rule
- Supported anti-gay discrimination
- Further deregulated Wall Street
- Widened income inequality
- Undermined worker protections
- Ideological court appointments
- Presided over a dysfunctional executive branch
Posted by
4/25/2013 07:36:00 PM
Harry "BEAT ME PLEASE" REID..................
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Posted by
4/25/2013 12:12:00 AM
April 24, 2013
So THIS is what it looks like............
A hearing Thursday on long-term unemployment held before the 19-member Joint Economic Committee began with just a single lawmaker in attendance.
The asshats are really not so concerned about us working, being able to make a living, seeing that jobs in America PAY enough to keep up with the cost of living.....
They just don't give a rat's ass and had a SEELEEEWWW of more important things to do on that given afternoon! We do, however, know what jobs they ARE concerned about. THEIR OWN. And we are the ones who determine that. I say bounce them right outa the halls of power. It's the only way we're ever going to get heard is to keep the revolving doors a'turnin' till we get someones in those seats who DO give a rat's ass.
Useless mother fuckers, some of whom bitch and moan about being an "entitlement" society while all they know is to fight for their own entitlements as elected officials. The need to be bussed the hell outa there, YESTERDAY! But ASAP will do!
Posted by
4/24/2013 10:33:00 PM
April 19, 2013
4th of July On The 19th of April
So there we have it WTF Fans. Pretty stellar police and federal government tap dancing all the way to Boston bomber's head. I was impressed. And WHO KNEW an entire city could just close down for a day. I wish I were bar hopin' with Bostonians right about now.
Did you see it differently from me? Pop into "Comments" and weigh in. I'm sorry it gets all junked out with crap from the bots in our Comments Room. If I knew how to block that or even clean it out for you I would do it.
But I don't know how, and just hate it that it happens.
Thank you for remaining patient for something to be posted on this blog. I'll be more regular now having just averted a family emergency.
I've had ALL the time I need "for family" by now. Back here feels good already.
Bomber taking the very last boat trip in his life.
I missed you guys. :)
Posted by
4/19/2013 11:40:00 PM
April 9, 2013
Ear Candy...............
And it was so thoughtful of them to write and sing this song in English, just for us English speakers instead of doing the whole project in their native tongue of Swedish.
It's my new fav song AND girl crush.
Posted by
4/09/2013 12:41:00 PM