February 20, 2002

Wolf Blitzer: (Media) Wh*re:

Has Wolfie lost his mind???????? Or did Karl Rove send him his favorite chocolates along with his marching orders???

Blitzer, on the air: In fact, here is one of those comments that we got from Gyan in Atlanta. She has this suggestion: 'Maybe the United States Supreme Court can learn something from the International Olympic Committee and confirm both Al Gore and G.W. as co-presidents. Wouldn't that be a diplomatic way of amicably resolving the sense of unfairness that permeated the 2000 presidential election?'
Gyan, you've got to get over that election. It is done. It is more than a year already."

WTF??? Wasn't he a reporter once? Does just spewing the latest propaganda spiel really pay, or doesn't he give a crap anymore?? Write to the little weasel and ask if those kneepads with the WH seal were worth it. Hell, send an email blast to the media today!

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