March 20, 2002


Breaking news from Yahoo: Whitewater prosecutor's report says there was insufficient evidence to show Clintons engaged in any crimes. And f*ck YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't need no stinkin' mandate!

pResidential nursemaid Karl Rove told an influential Christian political action group that Unelected Ignoramus would do what he's told and continue to nominate conservatives as federal judges.

In addition to spouting off like a complete dickwad on judicial nominations, Rove's speech set out a broad agenda for cooperation between the disadministration and the Christian right. "There'll be some times you in this room and we over at the White House will find ourselves in agreement, and there'll be the occasion when we don't. But we will share a heck of a lot more in common than we don't. And we'll win if we work together far more often than the other side wants us to," Rove told the group of about 250 Christian political activists from around the country.

(- - - Washington comPost)

And who cares what the majority of voters think! Doesn't it remind you of an old show tune: Springtime for Hitler and Germany, winter for Poland and France......

BTW, if anyone hasn't read Margaret Atwood's A Handmaid's Tale, now would be a very good time to start. It's a frightening story - it takes place in the US after a violent takeover by an extreme right-wing group. Read it and pass it on before the next election.

But we'd be in danger without our SUVs!

Well, I hope those numb idiots are happy. The recent collapse of the Larsen B iceshelf is believed to have dumped more ice into the Southern Ocean than all of the previous half century's icebergs combined. "This is the largest single event in a series of retreats by ice shelves in the peninsula over the last 30 years. The retreats are attributed to a strong climate warming in the region," said the US government's Ice Center.

For actual picture see Yahoo News Pic.
Story at The UK Guardian
*Opening pic: "Penguins on a Cold Perch", SuperStock.


1727 Physicist, mathematician and astronomer Sir Isaac Newton died in London.

1833 Daniel Dunglass Home was born in Dundee. At his seances, 'objects moved without being touched; raps were heard and lights seen; the medium was both levitated and elongated; phantom forms appeared and curious sounds like muffled voices were heard together with the chirping of birds and the whirring made by their wings.' He is also reported to have handled live coals. He was never caught cheating, although he was often accused of it.

1992 Congress passed, and president Bush the Smarter immediately vetoed, a Democratic tax cut for the middle class that would have been funded by a tax hike on the rich.

2002 Spring arrived at 2:16 PM EST, during a snowstorm.

--Yahoo News and The Fortean Times

"Bush, The Best Puppet Enron Could Buy!"

Over a hundred people protested a fundraiser for Repukelican Senator Jim Talent at the St. Louis Convention Center on March 18. The guest of dishonor, pResident Bunnypants, was met with chants of "Jail to the Thief!" and "Have Another Pretzel!" (LOL!)

Mark Fraley, organizer for Missouri Pro-Vote, said "we want to draw attention to Bush's ties to Enron. This is a political scandal, not just a business scandal. Thirty-two million in Missouri state pension funds were lost because of the Enron scandal." "We need a leadership based on the needs of the people," Fraley continued, "not marinated corporate culture."

Members of Mo-Pirg, the Missouri Public Interest Group, protested the chimp administration's proposed drilling for oil in Alaska.

- - Click here for story and pics

Oasis News!

Liam Gallagher has spoken about the new Oasis album, revealing that it will be titled 'Heathen Chemistry'. Songs confirmed for the album (which is due for release in July) include Force of Nature, Songbird, Little by Little, Better Man, Born on a Different Cloud, Stop Crying Your Heart Out, Hung in a Bad Place, and The Hindu Times.
-- (via e-mail)

I'm glad "feta" isn't the plural of "fetus." If it were, I might have to stop eating Greek salads.
(Gary Timm,

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