March 13, 2002


History unearthed on new motorway - Archaeological remains dating back about 10,000 years have been found by workers building the UK's first pay-as-you-go motorway. The discovery close to the Belfry golf course in Warwickshire has also revealed evidence of Romano-British settlements and medieval fish farms.

The latest finds are considered very rare because they span such a huge time period. The earliest relics come from the Mesolithic period (8,500 - 4,000 BC) but evidence of Iron Age and Bronze Age settlements has also come to light.

Another discovery, at Langley Mill near Sutton Coldfield, is surrounded in mystery - the waterlogged remains of a very large oak post have been uncovered, the purpose of which may never be determined.

- - more at BBC News

*Picture above is "Stoned", by Digital 3D, at

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