March 17, 2002

It's great waking up on a Sunday morning and seeing the word "whore", isn't it? {/sarcasm}

Today in History was pretty quiet:

1845 Rubber bands were invented.

1963 Mount Agung on Bali erupted, killing at least 11,000 people.

1969 Golda Meir was sworn in as prime minister of Israel.

1998 The U.S. women's hockey team won the gold medal at the 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano, Japan.

St Patrick's Day. The Irish worshipped the shamrock as the symbol of their triple deities long before (the probably fictitious) Patrick used it as a symbol of the Trinity. At the Roman festival of Mars (Pater, or Patricius), an enormous phallus was paraded through the streets. The wearing of green was traditional at Roman sexual feasts. During the Middle Ages this was the day Noah was thought to have entered the Ark: more recently, it is celebrated as World Maritime Day.

- - - Infoplease and The Fortean Times

2002 Mayor Daley gets inundated with mail protesting his fixing of Chicago's St Patrick's Day Parade.

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