March 11, 2002

"Suddenly, it's cool to be rude about Dubya again"

'He's back. Six months after his transformation from national joke into indefatigable statesman, [the Clueless Cow-poker] was on vintage form at a recent concert given in his honour. As Stevie Wonder took the stage, the pResident started waving to the blind musician, only to drop his hand when he realised his mistake. 'I know I shouldn't have, but I started laughing,' one witness said.

'...far more difficult to dismiss is the publication of two books and the release this weekend of a documentary which all deal with [the Unelected Idiot's] journey to the White House and the first months of his presidency. They present a devastating portrait of a man promoted way beyond his abilities.

- - - more at The Guardian Unlimited Observer

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