March 15, 2002

The Unelected Idiot Declares 'We do not recognize the outcome of the election'

WTF???!! At his press conference on 3/13/02, the Moron of Midland was asked: "Do you officially recognize the Zimbabwe elections?" Here's the Hypocritical Nincompoop's reply: "Zimbabwe. We do not recognize the outcome of the election because we think it's flawed. And we are dealing with -- and we are dealing with our friends to figure out how to deal with this flawed election." Yes, the election in Zimbabwe waas fatally flawed - just like Florida. And if the election in Zimbabwe should be overturned because of those fatal flaws, then so too should the election in the United States! We challenge one member of the Washington press corps to ask the Squinting Simpleton how the Zimbabwe election was different from Florida - and why Chimpy McCokespoon has not resigned in recognition of the fact that he LOST Florida.

- - more here: News, courtesy of - you go, guys!

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