May 25, 2002

Bush Spent Terror Week Smiling for the Camera
While You Were Freaking -

Emperor Snippy was merrily jaunting about, attending a black-tie gala, an Illinois fundraiser, a ceremony honoring Saint Ronnie, a photo-op presenting the Commander in Thief trophy to the Air Force Academy football team, socializing with this year's NCAA champions and the Minnesota men and women hockey skaters.

(snip) [T]he commander in chief was having himself a good old time. Bush opened the workweek of May 20 with a White House attack on Fidel Castro, a sturdy punching bag. This presumably was a swipe at that peanut farmer turned one-term president turned international appeaser and current Havana visitor, Jimmy Carter. Standing before Washington reporters, Bush sought to lift the Cuban menace to new heights, labeling the island nation a redoubt for bioterrorism—a charge which appears to have no credibility. Ramping up, he traveled to Miami that very day, where he gave Castro another kick for the benefit of the Cuban Americans in Miami, a gesture designed to get brother Jeb a key bloc of votes in his upcoming gubernatorial fight. Then he dashed off to Jeb's fundraiser, while his top advisers began suggesting that the Brooklyn Bridge and Statue of Liberty might be taken out sooner or later.

"The FBI director, yesterday, I talked to him. He comes in every morning, by the way," the Moron of Midland explained before taking off for Europe. "So this subject, he came up this morning. He was talking about, he was speculating based upon a lot of intelligence that indicates that the Al Qaeda is active, plotting, planning, you know, trying to hit us. So he was speculating. He basically said, Look, I wouldn't be surprised if there is another attack, and it's going to be difficult to stop them, is what he said." (Thanks for clearing that up for us. Bonehead.)

- - from James Ridgeway in the Village Voice.

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