May 1, 2002

Do Drugs? Then Yer a Terrist!

Eleven teenage House pages are in hot water after getting caught using marijuana. The pages were dismissed from their duties, acording to sources familiar with the investigation. Roll Call's Ed Henry reports: "The trouble started when one female page whose family lives in the Washington, D.C., area brought several other pages to the family home unsupervised (ahhhhh: repuke family values.....). The pages involved allegedly smoked marijuana in the basement of the house."

Two Democratic sources told Roll Call Daily that all 11 pages were sponsored by Repuglican House Members!!!! So let's see....according to those rethug commercials, since the pages smoked some weed, they caused the murder of some people somewhere. Gotcha!

"Drug use hurts our families and our communities. It also finances our enemies. To fight the terror inflicted by killers, thugs, and terrorists around the world who depend on American drug purchases to fund their violence, we must stop paying for our own destruction and the destruction of others," said ONDCP Director John Walters. "As the President has said, 'When you quit using drugs, you join the fight against terror in America.'" - (as seen on drudge, and a thanks to gratuitous for the link)

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