July 12, 2002

And another thing!

All of a sudden his diapers are in a wad over the "media elites." What a laugh, when they've been his little lapdog buddies since before the election! All these BFEE propagandists with happy, stupid nicknames rewarded to them by none other than Hopalong Hypocrite have been giving him a free ride for almost 2 years.

As dbt said over at DU, 'are we talking about the same "media elites" who have been busy kissing and propping up bu$h's sorry ass for two years? Are these the same "media elites" whose parent corporations have shelled out big bucks for bu$h's campaign? Hey, Georgie. Just think what might happen if these "elites" were to look into your personal bidness ONE-TENTH as much as they looked into Clinton's!'


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