July 1, 2002

Elsa just went to her new home :(

Wag it, Shoot it...

George Michael releases a new song, Shoot The Dog, this week. The single's cover includes a front page of the Daily Mirror, headlined Howdy Poodle, criticising the Prime Minister's apparent sucking up to President Bush. The song mocks Tony Blair's poodle-style relationship with Bunnypants, with lyrics such as "So Cherie, my dear, could you leave the way clear for sex tonight? Tell him: 'Tony, Tony, Tony, I know that you're horny but there's somethin' bout that Bush ain't right'."

"People were just not talking about it properly and anyone who raised concerns was being branded a traitor or unpatriotic." George bristles at the potential accusation of treachery. "I'm an extremely patriotic person," he snorts. - - From The Mirror.

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