Excuse me????? - we revisit W the Whining Wartface's outrageous dissembling at his 'news conference':
"Sometimes things aren't exactly black and white when it comes to accounting procedures" - WHAT??? They damn well better be! If I tried stuff like that with my income taxes I'd be in jail, you flaming imbecile!
Faced by a barrage of questions about his failure to disclose stock sales, the Crook of Crawford smirked "I still haven't figured it out completely."
Oh, there's a good defense. And the whore media let him get away with it.
'Some of my best friends are negroes!': "There I was sitting around the leader -- the table with foreign leaders looking at Colin Powell and Condi Rice."
"After all this time it is George Junior himself whose credibility is on the line. Not Fleischer’s whom everybody knows is a paid liar anyway. In the past the traditional response in such circumstances – when the media wolves have been baying at the White House doors - has been to announce a gross and imminent security threat to the US public of the "dirty bomber" variety." - Alastair Thompson, in Scoop.
"For President Bush to pretend to be shocked that some of the nation's top executives deal from a stacked deck is akin to a madam feigning surprise that sexual favors have been sold in her establishment. Dubya may have gaps in his education, but ignorance of 'aggressive accounting' techniques and other scams they don't teach in Biz 101 is not one of them." - Robert Scheer, in the LA Times.
More Moments in Churchilliana
"Well, let me start by telling you that I think by far the vast majority of CEOs in America are good, honorable, honest people who have nothing to hide and are willing the true facts speak for themselves. It's the few that have stained the, have created the stains that we must deal with. And tomorrow I'm going to talk about some specifics and I'd rather kind of save those for tomorrow." - the Oaf of Office, 7/8/02.
"In the future, start -- we start with calling on people's -- calling on people's better nature, and I'll do some of that tomorrow as well" - ditto.
"No malfeance, no attempt to hide anything. It was just an accounting firm making a decision, along with the corporate officers, as to how to account for a complex transiction. - yep.
Jeezum K. F*ck -
"It is the stated policy of this government to have a regime change and we use all the tools at our disposal to do so." The Menace of Midland dismissed as hypothetical whether he would make the move to 'get Saddam' in his first term.
Who was the diphead whore reporter that asked him that one??
'Can Bush scold Wall Street with a straight face?'
Not only was the prez and ex-businessman himself a pro at milking failed corporations he made look good on paper, but too many family members, friends and members of his administration have been implicated in scandals of the sort he now condemns. For Bush to argue that the unraveling of corporate America is the work of a "few bad apples" is a dangerous line of reasoning for him because an embarrassing number of those apples have fallen very close to the tree of his presidency.
George W. was saved from repeated financial disaster by one merger after another, business maneuvers that made no economic sense to the new partner beyond the acquisition of the presumed clout of the son of a Central Intelligence Agency chief turned vice president turned president.
How can Bush now, with a straight face, tell the nation that he will order the SEC to brand as criminals those guilty of the same sorts of actions? As a matter of consistency, he should in the very least demand that Martha Stewart, a comparative innocent when judged by Bush family standards, be treated no more harshly than he was.
- More of Robert Scheer's column here.
Last Night on Crossfire
Tucker "Whitewater Wang-puller" Carlson Misses Irony Completely - "This whole, you know, chase after President Bush's business dealings many, many years ago because he didn't file something on time? This was transparent partisan political witch hunt, is it not?"
Congresswoman Maxine Waters: "If he has not done anything that he needs to hide, then come forward, and stop the journalists from all the speculation. Come forward with the facts, and then we won't have to worry about anything. If he's got something to hid, they're going to find out it anyway. That's the way it's supposed to be."
Not able to find anything coherent to say, Tucker falls back to the old standby: "Wait a minute. Let's reopen Whitewater while we're at -- while we're at it."
Question from Audience: My name is Linda Gerbitz. I'm from Clearwater, Florida. And this question is for anyone. Actually, it is a comment. All this talk about attacking Saddam Hussein sounds a lot to me like the movie "Wag the Dog," getting everyone's attention away from the fact that we haven't been able to track down Osama bin Laden or al Qaeda or even find out who was putting anthrax in people's mailboxes. What do you think about that?
Tucker the Loser: Klintoon! Xlinton! Klintoon!
Paul Begala: "I worked for President Clinton when he bombed Osama bin Laden, the example that Tucker was referring to. It was the right thing to do. And if Bush had enough guts, he would have done it a long time ago too."
July 9, 2002
Posted by maru at 7/09/2002 01:31:00 PM
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