With their poll numbers dropping along with the Dow and with their figurehead and his main puppetmaster both under allegations of corporate crookery, chickensh!t repukes and the BFEE plan to change the subject by going to war against Iraq right before the November elections. The U.S. operation to topple Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein will take place in the coming months, even before November's Congressional elections, according to high-level sources in the French government following talks with American decision-makers and professionals in Washington.
The French assessment is based, in part, on what National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice told new French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin this month. Rice emphasized Napoleon Bonehead's determination to topple Saddam "soon," according to the French sources. Reports and analysis based on official sources in Washington reiterate the assumption that the operation will take place this winter, so that any failure will not reflect badly for the Republicans at the polls. But the French regard that as a strategy to lower Saddam's guard in the coming three months, while Congress is in recess and the election campaign heats up.
Paris won't be surprised if the blow comes in the middle of August, while Bush is seen vacationing at his Texas ranch, in the form of a special forces raid backed by the CIA and precision air attacks. - Read more here.
We do not at this time ascribe to the view that the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States were ordered - or allowed to happen - by the unelected regime now in power in Washington. There is no hard evidence as yet that would support this claim in a court of law, and we hope to God that no such evidence exists.
However, we will say this: A regime that would cold-bloodedly launch a murderous, unprovoked attack on another sovereign nation, guaranteeing the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people, is a regime that is capable of anything.
That the United States will shortly launch just such an attack against Iraq is as certain as anything can be in this world of unbuckled and chaotic event. The trumpets of military aggression have taken on a new urgency in Washington in recent days. Various plans for mass murder are openly discussed in the high councils of state. Troops and materiel are being shifted into place at a rapid clip.
Why this sudden, sharp increase in bellicose rhetoric? Why "such daily cast of brazen cannon and foreign mart for implements of war?" The "threat" from Iraq - whatever that may be - is no greater than it was a month ago; in fact, it is appreciably less. The former head of the United Nations mission to disarm Saddam's regime has just visited the two sites claimed by the Americans to be monstrous cradles harboring "weapons of mass destruction." He found nothing but ruins there.
But the casus belli for this conflict is not to be found in Iraq. It lives instead in the fevered, addled, coddled brains of the Bush Regime, which has evidently been demented by its lust to secure the Iraqi oil fields - a store of swag second only to the treasure buried in the Saudi Arabian sands. Saddam has proven to be an unreliable steward of this imperial possession, so the lords of the earth aim to take it away from him and place it in more docile hands. If a dozen innocent people must die - or a hundred, or a thousand, or a hundred thousand - to accomplish this, it is of no real consequence to George W. Bush and his junta.
Only the timing of this crime against humanity is in question. The attack is being carefully calibrated in order to extract the greatest possible political advantage for the Regime. The timetable has been advanced due to the embarrassing headlines now enlivening the mainstream U.S. media. These doughty sentinels of freedom have very belatedly discovered the long-known, well-documented fact that Bush's vaunted corporate career was nothing but a stinking Enronian brew of insider trading, sweetheart deals, book-cooking and political fixing.
Now the mountain of sleaze has grown so high that even the media barons in their glass towers cannot completely overlook it. It's true they try to soft-pedal the scandals as much as they can -- The Washington Post's editorial writers have been especially entertaining in this regard, with their hilarious attempts to paint Bush's pitch-black mire as nothing more than a bit of lightly splattered virgin snow. But the mere recitation of the facts is damning enough; they fall like bricks on sheet metal, drowning out the comforting murmurs of the president's protectors.
And thus the quickening of war talk, the detailed "leaks" of invasion plans. The Regime's strategists are poised on a knife's edge, watching the polls, the headlines, the Congressional races. A few more scandals and they may need the "quick-strike" option: a lightning assault in September or perhaps an "October surprise" just before the polls. If things stabilize, they can wait for a full-scale invasion sometime in the coming year and exploit the murder of Iraqi women and children - and the deaths of U.S. soldiers - for the benefit of Bush's own election campaign in 2004. - You have GOT to read the rest: Chris Floyd of The Moscow Times, reprinted at SmirkingChimp.com.
July 19, 2002
Posted by maru at 7/19/2002 08:56:00 PM
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