September 8, 2002

As if I'm prolly not already in trouble enough with the Feds over the content of this page alone, I've been playing with mp3s the past couple of days, which is why I haven't posted too much over here. The system comes to a screetching halt.

BTW, once I get their addresses, I'll be sending Tom Jones and the Stereophonics a few $ for "Mama Told Me Not to Come." So bite me.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Since the attacks of last Sept. 11, congressional oversight of the FBI has slackened considerably, allowing the agency to use aggressive tactics that may skirt the rights of suspects, liberal and conservative civil liberties activists say, in a story that just won't go away.

Not a peep from the pink-tutu'd Dems, but one of the few lawmakers keeping up the pressure on the FBI has been Indiana Republican Rep. Dan Burton who chairs the House Government Reform Committee. But he's a republican, so he doesn't have to worry about being called a commie traitor, I guess. Still, good for him.

F*cking Dems.

If you really want a good laugh while you puke, go here. I didn't know Howard "the Hormonal" Fineman had a twin brother!

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