September 1, 2002

On his 'to do' list when he returns from his month-long vacation and fundraising junket:

He wants a big new Pentagon budget, energy bill, legislation guaranteeing pension security and terrorism insurance and a new Homeland Security Department - all on his desk in the next five weeks.

Other items that White House spokes-tool Ari "the Liar" Fleischer identified on Cap'n Cowpie's wish list for the remainder of this Congress: an energy bill that would increase domestic production of oil and gas; guarantees that businesses will have access to terrorism insurance; new pension protections; a ban on human cloning; welfare reform, including stiffer work requirements for benefit recipients; legislation making government social services grants available to religious groups.

pReznit Gameboy's economic team is deliberating whether to seek another round of tax cuts in an effort to stimulate the economy, but some advisers said they'll probably be shit-outta-luck on that baby, since the federal budget will remain in deficit until pResident Clueless's last round of tax cuts expires in 2010.

Add to that yet more fund-raising for republican candidates to build on his year-to-date haul of $109 million for the runup to the November election. The Unelected Idiot plans to campaign for republicans around three days a week, two cities per day, in September. Come October, he will pick up the pace to five or six days of campaign travel each week. Using taxpayer money, no doubt.

He'll be back at his pig farm, Compound W on Oct. 25 to welcome Chinese President Jiang Zemin.
- Yahoo News.

1) Keep stirring up the shit about Sadaam to try to create an excuse to send American boys to Iraq to kill and be killed in order to steal Iraq and give it to the Big Oil companies.

2) Run the mouth about homeland security and Sadaam and other things to make people forget the deepening mess in Afganistan where the administration seems to be stuck with no idea what to do next and, mainly, to make the American people forget the economic mess where the Bush administration is lost on what to do.

3) Push hard to get another governmental deppartment, the Homeland security department, to piss off tax dollars and get a bunch of rednecks running around the country harrassing anyone who looks different.

4) Push the Bush Energy Bill which is a bullshit plan that will increase profits for oil companies and increase American dependence on imports. Oppose any serious steps on conservation. Stir up shit with Iraq to justify sending troops to steal Iraq and give it to the Big Oil companies. Kiss Saudi dictator's ass as often as necessary.

5) Push for a Big New Pentagon Budget. Ignore fact that the USA already has by far the largest military in the world and already spends far more money than any other two countries combined on military shit. Get more and more military so Bush Administration can bully others and avoid having to negotiate or use any diplomacy. Being a bully is more fun and easier than using diplomacy. Also, bullying gets the rednecks and flag worshipers all pepped up. - jamoney8, yahoo message boards.

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