September 10, 2002

'Never mind about the election! Think of those poor, poor Iraqis!' Dana "Taliban" Rohrbacher (R-Ignoramus) bleated in anguish, smiling the whole time. 'We gotta get over there and bomb them now!'


Here's the transcript from last night's Crossfire.

Also on the Breaking News Network: Scott Ritter, bless him, just about called Dick "Chicanery" Cheney and Chimpy O'Harken liars. "I am willing to put facts on the table and back it up with sound analysis. You know, let us not be fooled here, OK? This would not be the first time that a president of the United States has lied to the American public to facilitate a war. Think to the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, and how we got entangled in Vietnam. I believe the same thing is happening right now. If President Bush has a case to be made, if this administration has a case to be made, for war against Iraq, then by God, they better start making it."


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