September 7, 2002

There isn't enough coffee in the world this morning - and from all the noise, it sounds as though the cats had something to do with it.

"Last summer, the armed forces staged some war games. The scenario was that of an attack on Iraq. In the games, which involved 13,000 troops and a vast computer simulation, Paul Van Riper (retired Marine Lieutenant General) played the role of Saddam Hussein.

"In that role, he kicked Pentagon ass. The Guardian story in which he was interviewed described it thusly: “In the first few days of the exercise, using surprise and unorthodox tactics, the wily 64-year-old Vietnam veteran sank most of the US expeditionary fleet in the Persian Gulf, bringing the US assault to a halt.” The Pentagon, which apparently likes its tests well-rigged to produce pleasurable results, decided this wouldn’t do. So they “unsunk” the naval fleet that Van Riper’s tactics destroyed, and brought back to life the thousands of American casualties. They then instructed Van Riper’s people to disregard a large amphibious landing, and then, and only then, were the “Americans” able to defeat “Saddam.” " - Bryan Zepp Jamieson.

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