September 1, 2002

"Bush is all by himself - except for the 'gang of four' - in his pursuit to avenge his Poppy. Iraq is no more dangerous now than it was almost two years ago when the Kid stole office. We hadn't heard a dad-burn thing about Iraq until the 'fortunate one' made his infamous 'axis of evil' speech.

"It boils down to this. He's made a horrible mess of a prosperous and peaceful country in record time. Now he needs to do something to take our minds off so many things. And even worse, it's personal. Any first-year psychology student can recognize that.

"People are out of work, their 401s are garbage, the ice in the Arctic Ocean is turning to slush and the best he can come up with is 'we'll get used to it' - not to mention he's got a maniacal zealot for an Attorney General who just can't seem to help but shoot buckshot into the Constitution every chance he gets.

"And to make matters worse, now we got Cheney speaking to veterans about how he knows that Saddam has the weapons we fear. Well, by golly, if anybody should know what Saddam has it would have to be Cheney. After all, he did spend his Halliburton CEO-ship selling Iraq over 20 million dollars worth of weapons technology from 1998 to 2000, dodging trade sanction violations by channeling the sales through foreign companies.

"Psssst. The Vice President is a traitor. Shhhhhhhh."
- W. David Jenkins in America Held Hostile, here.

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