October 11, 2002

Bush Backs Emissions Law Opponents. Bonehead.

Automakers opposed to California's requirement that a percentage of passenger vehicles sold in the state achieve zero emissions - meaning reliance on all-electric cars - have won the support of the Bush administration.

Federal law overrides any state effort to regulate fuel economy for cars and trucks, the Justice Department said. "The Energy Policy and Conservation Act provides that when a federal fuel economy standard is in effect, a state or a political subdivision of a state may not adopt or enforce a law or regulation related to fuel economy standards," the department argued. "So f*ck you, and f*ck the environment."

Things are so much easier when you're a dictator.

Scott Ritter, American Hero, bitch-slapped Tucker Carlson and Arizona Republican Congressman John Shadegg on last night's Crossfire. It was beautiful - my jaw hit the floor when he told 'Mr' Shadegg he was "so pathetic".

RITTER: That simply shows your ignorance, sir. They have agreed to a resolution that says that palaces can be inspected. It's in the memorandum of understanding.

SHADEGG: No they have not.

RITTER: Look, you're lying to the American public if you're saying that. They have said they will agree to inspections under existing Security Council resolutions. And Resolution 1154 clearly states that the memorandum of understanding, that it was agreed upon between Kofi Annan and the Iraqi government, allows inspectors in.


CARLSON: ...But to express that, to attack the government of the United States within the walls of the Iraqi national assembly at a time when Iraq is firing at American aircraft, don't you think that's kind of offensive?

RITTER: No, I think it's important that the American people understand the sham that's being perpetrated by the president, by Congress right now. And whether I can say that -- frankly, with all due respect, Tucker, if I tried to get on CROSSFIRE and say that before I went to Baghdad, you wouldn't have had me on. You have me on today because I went to Baghdad. That was the only place I could go to get the media to pay attention.

And f*ck you!

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