November 12, 2002

Image from

Quiet day so far. Cool and rainy.
I'm starving!!

From watchdog to lapdog
During the Clinton administration, White House reporters made much of frantic presidential travels. Viewers learned that the federal treasury was set back $42 million by Clinton's trip to Africa, and were peddled the tale of Air Force One holding up takeoffs and landings at LAX while a Beverly Hills hairdresser gave the president a $200 trim.

No such coverage on the tube this time, only an analysis tucked away in the Washington Post that pResident Bush's political fund-raising trips through mid-October had cost taxpayers $15.7 million. Link here.

New flash movie, Media #2: 'Take The Power Back' at Blah3:
War = Ratings.
Ratings = Money.
War = Money.

Musical Guest: Rage Against The Machine

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