January 22, 2003

Link update
Please welcome Interesting Times and Ted Barlow.

Edinburgh update
When I was there in September I took some of those ghost tours through part of the vaults in the underground city - very spooky.
The following is from a piece in the UK News:

The entrance to a labyrinth of medieval streets in the Scottish capital Edinburgh have been reopened nearly 400 years after the area closed because of an outbreak of the plague.

Workmen knocked a hole through the floor of the city chambers on Tuesday to uncover a historic staircase that forms the entrance to Mary King's Close, a tourist attraction due to open in April after extensive redevelopment.

Local folklore says city officials shut down the close when the Black Death struck in the mid-17th century, leaving 400 plague sufferers to die.

Attractions include a house regarded to be one of the best existing examples of a 17th century Scottish home. Researchers have found historical documents detailing how families lived in the close during Edinburgh's 17th century plague epidemic.

"It (the close) looks at life throughout the centuries for the people in Edinburgh and we have brought to life accurate and historical information from that time," a spokeswoman for the project told Reuters.

The horrors of the plague and talk that the close was haunted made it a no-go area for many of the city's residents.

Around 100 years after the plague struck, the Royal Exchange, now the city chambers, was built over the area, leaving a network of medieval streets and narrow walkways untouched.

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