February 17, 2003

Over a foot 'n' a half of snow at 11:27, and still falling. New prediction: 34".

"president Bush said today it was clear that nothing short of a complete and utter disregard of UN resolutions would stop Saddam Hussein's complete and utter disregard of UN resolutions." - from today's Boondocks.

"We've wondering just how much egg we have on our face. Right now, the worst thing that could occur for the administration's credibility is that nothing happens this weekend. I know that sounds terrible but we've got a lot riding on this." - White House source, on the recent Orange alert level being based on a lie

"[S]ome critics say, the press seemed to be willing partners for an administration that might be interested in building fear and transforming it into support for war..."We're living in the middle of an ad campaign for war and the press has bought it. In fact, it's helping write the script," says John R. MacArthur, author of "The Second Front: Censorship and Propaganda in the Gulf War." "The terrorism warnings are a strategy designed to put the country on war footing in order to invade Iraq." - Salon.

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