March 1, 2003

UN Finds No Long Range Missiles in Iraq
From, via e-mail: "This article is a must read. It is one of the most in-depth written on the Al Samoud 2 missile and the success of weapons inspections. Obviously, it has been squashed by the 'liberal media' because of its positive reflection of Iraqi cooperation with the inspections process. The irony is that the only newspaper we could find that printed it was the Austin-American Statesman, based in Austin, Texas! It states:

"U.N. inspectors swarming over Iraq's missile industry found an infraction last week: The short-range Al Samoud 2 sometimes flies a few miles farther than allowed. But the experts have reported no sign of any longer-range missiles that could strike Israel or neighboring oil nations as Washington fears. In fact, after three months' intensive work, the U.N. teams are looking ahead to ending their current investigative phase, and moving on to long-term monitoring via electronic 'eyes and ears.' Such a system could rein in missile development for years, experts say."

- link to article.

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