April 1, 2003

The best part of waking up is

Faux journalist/true embarrassment gets the ol' heave-ho
Faux Nooze strangely silent in face of disgraced employee's treasonous behaviour.

'Former talk show host and journalist wannabe Geraldo Rivera's brief (but not brief enough) career as an Iraqi war correspondent is over. FoxNews is removing the mouth that roared as an "embedded" reporter with the 101st Airborne after he reported the unit's position in detail in a broadcast on FoxNews. "If you were to ask me on whether or not he had reported on things that were of tactical value and compromised operational security, I would have to say yes. In the eyes of the commander on the ground, he did," says Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman. "I would say that he is going to be leaving Iraq. Fox has talked to us and they have indicated to us that they are going to remove him from the area of operations." Fox didn't have a choice. If they didn't remove Geraldo voluntarily, the military was going to escort him out. Another embarassing moment for a pretend reporter for a pretend news network.' - link.

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