May 23, 2003

"In my opinion, having observed crotches scrunched up in all sorts of manners underneath all sorts of clothing and in all sorts of circumstances, I have arrived at the inescapable conclusion that Mr. Bush is, once again, all hat, no cattle." - EC, in the BuzzFlash mailbag.

On the brink of catastrophe
The most senior Republican authority on foreign relations in Congress has warned president aWol McWonderpants that the United States is on the brink of catastrophe in Iraq.

Richard Lugar, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said that Washington was in danger of creating 'an incubator for terrorist cells and activity' unless it increased the scope and cost of its reconstruction efforts. He said that more troops, billions more dollars and a longer commitment were needed if the US were not to throw away the peace.

'I am concerned that the Bush Administration and Congress have not yet faced up to the true size of the task that lies ahead, or prepared the American people for it,' he said in The Washington Post. That bungling nitwit Mr Bush should state clearly 'that we are engaged in nation-building,' he said, a statement that would require the president to swallow one of his tenets of the 2000 election campaign.

Speaking derisively of President Clinton's foreign policy, Mr Bush said it was not the role of US troops to nation-build.

Mr Lugar also took a swipe at Mr Bush's victory speech on the USS Abraham Lincoln earlier this month, delivered under a banner that read: 'Mission Accomplished'. He said: 'President Bush should make clear to one and all that he will declare Mission Accomplished in Iraq not on the basis of our military victory or the date of our withdrawal, but on what kind of country we leave behind.' - Snipped from here.

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