May 25, 2003

Just wtf is the misadministration doing??
Oh, sorry, it's just another typical day in Bushistan.

Rice quoted saying U.S. to ignore Schroeder
Condoleezza Rice was quoted in a German magazine Sunday saying the Bush misadministration was trying to patch up strained relations with Germany but would continue to ostracize Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder.

Focus magazine reported Emperor Snippy's equally petulant national security adviser told a German visitor recently that relations between Bush and Schroeder were ruined because of the German leader's opposition to the Bush-led war in Iraq.

"We're now doing everything we can to improve relations to Germany at all levels," the unnamed German visitor quoted Rice as saying. "But we're going to work around the chancellor. It's better to leave him out.''

Rice has been widely quoted telling associates that resulting U.S. policy should be: "Punish France, ignore Germany and forgive Russia.'' - from the NY Times. Bet they didn't make up this story.

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