News Quickies
Several prominent lawmakers, including two Democratic presidential contenders, urged an independent commission yesterday to forcefully investigate government shortcomings prior to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and criticized the Bush administration, saying it failed to act aggressively enough.
"I am troubled by the lack of attention to date that the administration has given to this critical aspect of the 9/11 investigation," Senator Bob Graham said. "Ignoring facts simply because they make some people uncomfortable or because it might stand in the way of short-term policy goals will prevent Americans from learning the truth about 9/11."
Tom DeLay admitted Thursday he provided Texas Speaker Tom Craddick with the information used to enlist the homeland security agency in the search for the Democratic legislators. DeLay's admission is the latest revelation that state and federal Republican officials were directly involved in the widespread manhunt.
"This is now a potentially criminal investigation," Tom Ridge said Thursday.
'President Bush promised to bring the 9/11 perpetrators to justice. With a smirk, he continually repeated the story of how foolish the suicidal terrorists must have been to think we would just sit back and take it, or that maybe we would "sue them." This is one speech that the most media oriented president we've ever known certainly had down pat.
'Well, it's been almost two years and we have yet to find the infamous Osama bin Laden or even the evil Saddam Hussein whose regime we just overthrew. We still don't know who mailed anthrax to people in Washington, Florida and New York City, even after finding some missing in our own supply. Hell, we couldn't even find Eric Rudolph, the Atlanta bomber who supposedly hid out in our own hills of North Carolina.
'If these are examples of bringing evildoers to justice, we should retire our military and intelligence forces and hire Wackenhut.' - Ed Henry.
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