So they're either lying sacks of sh*t or incompetant sacks of sh*t?
Pink tutu'd Dems pirouette on Sunday talk shows.
Top Senate Democrats on Sunday said they believed the Bush misadministration either exaggerated the threat posed by Iraq, or may have had faulty intelligence on its alleged weapons of mass destruction. Oh, how f*cking polite.
Joe Biden of Delaware, the senior Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said the administration "hyped" Iraq's potential for developing nuclear arms and for using other weapons of mass destruction, but said he expected such weapons will be found.Of course you do, you lily-livered fuckwit. Bet you already have the bouquet from Apologies R Us! winging its' way to Karl's back door. Pussy.
Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia, the Senate Intelligence Committee's senior Democrat, said he was "beginning to believe" that the intelligence the administration claimed to have on Iraq's weapons program before the U.S.-led war to oust Saddam Hussein was not as sound as he had been led to believe.Jesus Frigging Christ. Just wake up from hibernation, Jay?????
Appearing on NBC's Meet the Press, the lawmakers gave voice to growing concerns in Congress over the failure so far to find Iraq's alleged biological, chemical and possibly nuclear weapons that pResident Evil used to justify the war."Hyped"??? You fucking lied about it ALL, you incredible piece of horseshit!! WTF is wrong with you?!! And then you APOLOGIZE for that miserable lying fratboy slug??"I do think that we hyped nuclear, we hyped al Qaeda, we hyped the ability to disperse and use these weapons. I think that tends to be done by all presidents when they are trying to accomplish a goal that they want to get broad national support for," Biden said.
Biden, who backed Bush's call to oust Saddam, stopped short of saying there was a deliberate deception. But he said, "I think a lot of the hype here is a serious, serious, serious mistake and it hurts our credibility."Jesus wept. - link.
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