May 1, 2003


  • Hammerdown has the incontrovertible proof that the Dictator-tot really is a d*ckhead.
  • Saw my first groundhog of the season in the yard just now. Little bugger is already fat. Which probably means more groundhogs!!!
  • Looks like Egon's mom is preggers again. FYI, she's a stray. 2nd, I WILL get her fixed after this next batch o' kittens.
  • Thank you to Barry, who sent a nice email asking about Egon's operation. He's doing much better today!

    Condoleezza Rice has talked her way into a U-turn
    Vilified weapons inspectors may have got it right. Mainstream whore media silent.

    Condo is now acknowledging that Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program is less clear-cut, and probably more difficult to establish, than the White House portrayed before the war.

    She has no doubt that the Bushies will find Iraq's WMD programs. But for the first time, Mz Rice is saying publicly that it is less likely many actual weapons will be found. Rather, she described the programs as being hidden in so-called "dual use" infrastructure. In other words, chemicals and biological agents could be in plants, factories and laboratories capable of being used for legal and prohibited purposes.

    According to Rice, the weapons programs are "in bits and pieces" rather than assembled weapons. "You may find assembly lines, you may find pieces hidden here and there," she said. Ingredients or precursors, many non-lethal by themselves, could be embedded in dual-use facilities. Uh-huh. - Snipped from here.

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