June 24, 2003

Class. Real CLass
Crossdressing transsexual QTip Ann 'the man' Coulter on ABC's 'Good Morning America':

Diane Sawyer: You are going to be on the New York Times bestseller list slugging it out with Hillary Clinton.

Annthrax: I hope so.

Diane: Who is going to win?

Annorexic: Umm, well, I think she has a three to one pound advantage over me, but we will see.

Diane: (stunned silence) Three to one pound advantage? Did you just say what I think you said?

- - seen at the fretard site this morning. Hey, 'Ms' Coulter, how many of your books were bought in bulk by your sugardaddy Scaife, you numb b*tch?

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