July 14, 2003

"But...but...it was only one sentence!"

"The Bush administration is caught in a scandal of almost unprecedented dimensions."

"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Nothing is over until we say it is!"
Sorry. I couldn't resist.

Sen. Jay Rockefeller: WMD flap 'far from over'
Calls Rice 'dishonorable' for blaming CIA director

Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) -- the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee -- says the White House unfairly made CIA director George Tenet the scapegoat for faulty intelligence on Iraq.

Rockefeller also said that National Security Advisor Condoleeza 'worthless, evidently overpaid fingerpointer' Rice "had to have known" a year before Snippy the Chimp's 2003 State of the Union address that intelligence claiming Iraqi agents were attempting to purchase uranium from African officials was bogus.

Referring to recent White House and CIA statements meant to defuse the controversy, Rockefeller said, "I think it raises more questions than it settles, and I think it's far from over. I cannot believe that Condi Rice...directly, from Africa, pointed the finger at George Tenet, when she had known -- had to have known -- a year before the State of the Union."

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