July 28, 2003

DLC to Dems: "don't vote for Dean"
Dems to DLC: suck on it!
Dems to DLC: you had your chance and you blew it!
Dems to DLC: nobody's listening!

Democratic presidential hopeful Howard Dean's campaign has excited the party's liberal activists, but centrists have only one thing to say about the candidate: Don't vote for him.

Many members of the Democratic Leadership Council are convinced that Dean's opposition to the war in Iraq makes him too liberal for middle America, and they worry that if he wins the nomination it could undo years of work to persuade the country that the Democratic Party isn't controlled by its left wing.

...no, it's CONTROLLED BY THE GOP, actually.

Just for the hell of it, ladies and gentleman, I give you Joe 'the Jewish Gee-Duhbya' Lieberman, on C-Span today: "I strongly disagree with the way the pResident misled us into war. However, I am for the war. It was to protect our security and the security of the world."

Enabling fucktard.
Has he been too busy spit-shining the inside of Karl Rove's rectum to READ A GODDAMN PAPER????
Just how out-of-touch can one person get??
Oh wait. Never mind.

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