Gassing your own people
The SCLM gets slammed by the Canadians, God bless them.
Bush's nose is growing, and nobody cares. So writes Antonia Zerbisias in the Toronto Star.
It has been exactly one week since the Washingtoon comPost ran a page-one story quoting liar/bungler Smirky the Chimp as saying that the reason the U.S., "along with other nations,'' invaded Iraq was because it would not permit any weapons inspections.
So yes kids! We were all hallucinating when we watched news footage of reporters chasing U.N. weapons inspectors around Iraq last winter. Those were but voices in our collective head when we heard pleas from the likes of Prime Minister Jean Chrétien and former weapons inspector Scott Ritter to allow the digging around to continue. And we must have all swallowed a giant tab of yellowcake when we read the news of U.N. weapons inspectors scrambling to beat a path out of Baghdad on the eve of the Shock & Awe bombing campaign.So ask yourself: How come the commander-in-chief shoots from the lip once again and nobody is talking about it?
Sadly, the answer is very, very clear...
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