July 26, 2003

Ho ho! Poppy to the rescue of Daddy's Little Fuckup
"Bush considers new overhaul of postwar Iraq administration - White House aims to address concerns as cost, casualties mount"

Serial liar/hapless bungler/incompetant impotus pReznit Gameboy is contemplating the second overhaul in three months of his post-war administration of Iraq, as the White House faces up to the enormity of the task and the need to demonstrate progress to maintain political support for the effort, administration officials said today.

As part of an effort to beef up the reconstruction, the White House is considering asking several major figures, including former secretary of state James Baker, to help with specific tasks like seeking funds from other countries or helping restructure Iraq's debt.

If Bunnypants called on Baker, the assignment would be the latest of a series of high-profile missions he has undertaken for the Bush family evil empire. Baker headed the Republican team during the Florida recount litigation after the disputed election of 2000. He agreed to manage President George H.W. Bush's reelection campaign in 1992, and was secretary of state in the first Bush administration - WaComPo.

Oh, and by the way, the Washingtoon comPost's original headline was ""White House Wants Baker to Head Iraq Reconstruction - Unresolved Whether Baker or Bremer Would Have Final Word"

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