July 29, 2003

In other news

  • Bush: it depends on how you define 'nuclear'
  • White House fall guy shows off short straw
  • Report: Cheney expanding bunker, adding guest rooms
  • Patriot Act renamed Scoundrel Refuge Act
  • Congressional 9/11 Report lays bare intelligence mistakes
    NOTE: For reasons of national security, the names Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rice and Rumsfeld are blacked out.)

  • U.S. Reluctant to Put Troops in Liberia
    Cites lack of forged documents indicating President Taylor has WMDs

  • Deficit Will Climb to $455 Billion, Says White House
    And that’s the good news.

  • New Poll Encouraging to Bush
    If election were held again, he'd lose to Gore by same margin.

  • Bush Defenders: Clinton Was Worse
    Starting unprovoked war "not as bad" as getting blow job from intern.

  • Dems Attack Bush on Failing Economy
    He answers by raising additional thirty million dollars.

    - - from IronicTimes.

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