July 23, 2003

Karen Tumulty, whore
Bush Cartel apologist spins, spins, spins for the misadministration:

Stroke me, stroke me.....Lubed-up lugnut swallows "revisionist historians" line in the latest issue of Time magazine -

"So bollixed up did Bush get last week that at one point he suggested that had Saddam allowed inspectors in his country - something, of course, that the Iraqi dictator had done with great fanfare - there would have been no need for the conflict."
Bollixed up??? I'm sorry, but this isn't a simple case of "he's been under a lot of pressure and got confused...". The fact that there were inspectors in Iraq should have been, to him, one of the great certainties that he wakes up with each and every goddam day, along with "ma name is Duhbya" and "Froot Loops fer breakfast!"

Then there's this:
"Bush's challenge right now is difficult and twofold: he must remind Americans of the U.S.'s lofty purpose in Iraq while getting them to accept the gritty reality on the ground."
F*ck ME. His lofty purpose in Iraq was to smash the living hell out of them before they could lob missiles at us: "Saddam Hussein had biological weapons …upwards of 30,000 munitions capable of delivering chemical agents...an advanced nuclear weapons development program…for the safety of our people and for the peace of the world, we will lead a coalition to disarm him" - SOTU, 2003.

"Oh, Karrrrrrrrl!"

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