July 13, 2003

"Mr. President, stop trying to pass the buck,” Florida Sen. Bob Graham commented Friday. “You made the baseless claim, you should take responsibility.” - from A Spy Takes The Bullet, in the new issue of Newsweek.

20 Lies About the War
Falsehoods ranging from exaggeration to plain untruth were used to make the case for war. More lies are being used in the aftermath - in the UK Independant.

Washington’s web of deceit
"Sensing the damage caused by the admission, which itself came in the wake of growing evidence that the Iraq-Niger linkage was a fib, President Bush’s National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice, has passed the buck on to the Central Intelligence Agency. She couldn’t have done a better job under the circumstances.

"Should everyone now go back home, satisfied with Director Tenet’s mea culpa? Unfortunately, that is neither possible nor desirable. President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair said they were fighting a moral and just war against an immoral, unjust dictator.

"Now the moral high ground has slipped from under their feet." - snipped from an editorial in the Daily Times.

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