July 13, 2003

National House of Waffles
Maureen Dowd bitchslaps, asswhomps the "pathological" misadministration:

"More and more, with Bush administration pronouncements about the Iraq war, it depends on what the meaning of the word "is" is.

"W. built his political identity on the idea that he was not Bill Clinton. He didn't parse words or prevaricate. He was the Texas straight shooter.

"So why is he now presiding over a completely Clintonian environment, turning the White House into a Waffle House, where truth is camouflaged by word games and responsibility is obscured by shell games?

"The president and Condi Rice can shuffle the shells and blame George Tenet, but it smells of mendacity....

"Mr. Tenet, in his continuing effort to ingratiate himself to his bosses, agreed to take the fall, trying to minimize a year's worth of war-causing warping of intelligence as a slip of the keyboard. "These 16 words should never have been included in the text written for the president," he said, in 15 words that were clearly written for him on behalf of the president. But it won't fly....

"Clearly, a higher power wanted it in. And that had to be Dick Cheney's office. "

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