July 23, 2003

U.S. troops fear more violence in Iraq
A chief administration propaganda aspect has been that the Iraqi freedom fight against the Bushies' imperialist assault is nothing more than a last-ditch effort by Baath Party diehards. That resistance, we were told, would evaporate if either Saddam or his sons could be captured or killed...

The morning after Saddam Hussein's sons died in a four-hour gun battle with American forces, hopes their deaths would calm an insurgency were dimmed when a U.S. soldier was killed in an attack on his convoy outside the same town.

The soldier's death was one of two reported Wednesday by the U.S. military.

Six soldiers were also injured in the attack in Mosul, north of Baghdad.

In a separate incident Tuesday night, a convoy was attacked in Ramadi, west of the capital, killing one soldier and wounding two more.

The two deaths brought to 155 the number of American soldiers killed since the war began March 20, surpassing by eight the death toll in the 1991 Gulf War.

Also Wednesday, a new tape aired by an Arab satellite broadcaster and purportedly made by Saddam on July 20, called on fighters loyal to him to continue their uprising against the U.S.-led occupation force - link.

Bunnypants: Other countries should help rebuild Iraq
Arrogant unilateralist pReznit Clueless asked the international community for money and troops today.

"I urge the nations of the world to contribute military and financially toward fulfilling Security Council Resolution 1483's vision of a free and secure Iraq," he said at a White House event. - link.

Unnamed sources said you could almost hear the sounds of raspberries being blown from France and Germany...

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