July 24, 2003

"Yesterday, Hadley performed a virtual repeat of Tenet's highly qualified 'taking responsibility' pose by making it clear that if he has to take a fall, then Ms. Rice needs to explain why she didn't read the memos he gave her."

From Josh Marshall: "Until or unless the President steps in to provide leadership, the long-awaited showdown between the 'neoconservatives' and the 'pragmatists' will soon reach crisis proportions…this, due to CIA director George Tenet's extraordinary decision to name the President's staffers responsible for misleading, or false, pre-Iraq war intel, Administration sources confirm today.

"... and the war has just begun, intelligence community sources warn. The Iraq/Niger debacle is but one of 'a whole series of stories which are ready to break', a source told us today, adding, 'I've never seen such hostility and disdain as now being expressed between the White House and the CIA. Never…"'

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