July 25, 2003

WMD missing in Iraq, Bush speeches
Demoted with 'Osama' from the Chimpboy lexicon

Weapons of mass destruction have proven hard to find in Iraq and now they've disappeared from serial liar/bungler Smirky McStupid's speeches.

Before the invasion and during the war, Bunnypants' speeches were peppered with references to weapons of mass destruction and the specter of apocalyptic havoc that chemical and biological arms might wreak on the United States, its friends and allies. He used the words so much that sometimes they became simply "WMD."

But now that Saddam has been ousted and with no evidence of weapons of mass destruction, the lying punk has spoken more of "weapons programs" and "illegal weapons," although he has said he "remains confident" that banned arms will be uncovered. - - from here.

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